Engineering and Architecture Thesis Topics

Urban Architecture and Design Slum Redevelopment: Address the rising problems of overcrowded slums in cities by proposing sustainable and well-designed solutions. Urban Sprawl Redesign: Explore ways to accommodate migrants and manage urban sprawl more efficiently. Redesigning Spaces Under Elevated Roads and M...

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Arts and Humanities Thesis Topics

Impact of Art on Society Middle Eastern Art and Western Civilization: Explore how Middle Eastern art has influenced Western culture. American Art and Democracy: Investigate the role of American art in shaping democratic ideals. The Romantic Period and Modern Art Techniques: Analyze artistic innovations during...

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Business and Economics Thesis Topics

Sustainable Business Models and Practices Analyzing the economic feasibility of business models in the circular economy: sustainable practices and profitability. Assessing the economic feasibility of sustainable packaging in business operations. Economic analysis of business strategies for sustainable supply ...

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Social Sciences Thesis Topics

Sociology Research Paper Topics Income Inequality and Social Mobility. The Impact of Immigration on Host Societies. Gender Roles and Stereotypes in Society. Social Media Influence on Relationships. Racial and Ethnic Identity Development. Effects of Urbanization on Community Dynam...

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Education Thesis Topics

Modern Classroom Challenges Difficulties faced by students and teachers in contemporary classrooms. Reforming learning challenges within schools. The rising cost of tuition and its impact on middle-class parents. Integrating technology in the classroom: Addressing challenges and maximizing benefits....

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Health and Medicine Thesis Topics

Allopathic (Conventional) Medicine The effectiveness of telemedicine in remote elderly patient care. The impact of stress on the immune system of cancer patients. The effects of a plant-based diet on chronic diseases such as diabetes. The use of AI in early cancer diagnosis and treatment. ...

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Environmental Studies Thesis Topics

Ecological Science The impact of land-use change on species diversity and ecosystem functioning in agricultural landscapes. Role of disturbances (such as fire and drought) in shaping arid ecosystems. Climate change's effect on the distribution of migratory marine species. Mutualistic plant-insect re...

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Technology and Innovation Thesis Topics

Management Innovation Topics The Role of Management Innovations in Increasing Consumer Satisfaction. Disruptive Innovations in Management: Unexpected Trends. Comparing Internal and External Management Innovations. Post-COVID-19 Innovations in Business Management. Innovations in Waste Manag...

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